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Respect this House


CT Meetings, as well as NE USSSA is committed to placing all our guests in a clean, comfortable and safe environment, and making your travel experience a great one. The hotel staff at your hotel is committed to courteous, professional customer service to the best of their ability. As such, we are asking all guest to refrain from the following behaviors at your hotel:

  • Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature.
  • Fighting or other behavior deemed detrimental to the experience of other guests.
  • Intoxication or other signs of alcohol impairment that results in irresponsible behavior.
  • Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
  • Allowing minors to be unchaperoned in public/shared areas.
  • Failing to follow instructions of personnel or management.
  • Using athletic equipment in the hotel.
  • Verbal or abusive harassment of opposing teams, parents or hotel personnel.
  • Disturbing other guests’ enjoyment of the shared hotel area.
  • Disturbing other guests’ enjoyment of their room, by having electronics turned up too loud.
  • Obscene/indecent messages or images on signs or clothing. 
  • Violating any local, state, or federal laws.

Guests engaged in any of the above actions may immediately be ejected from the premise/grounds. Ejected guests will not receive a refund for their tickets or be compensated in any way. We request a 10pm curfew – please reduce sound levels for the remainder of the night.

Guests are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior to the tournament and housing coordinator.